Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lyric of the Week + Video / ARCADE FIRE - WE USED TO WAIT

Questa notte i morti cammineranno...

I used to write,
I used to write letters I used to sign my name
I used to sleep at night
Before the flashing lights settled deep in my brain

But by the time we met
By the time we met the times had already changed

So I never wrote a letter
I never took my true heart I never wrote it down
So when the lights cut out
I was left standing in the wilderness downtown

Now our lives are changing fast
Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last
Hope that something pure can last

It seems strange
How we used to wait for letters to arrive
But what's stranger still
Is how something so small can keep you alive

We used to wait
We used to waste hours just walking around
We used to wait
All those wasted lives in the wilderness downtown

We used to wait
We used to wait
We used to wait
Sometimes it never came
(We used to wait)
Sometimes it never came
(We used to wait)
Still moving through the pain

I'm gonna write a letter to my true love
I'm gonna sign my name
Like a patient on a table
I wanna walk again gonna move through the pain

Now our lives are changing fast
Now our lives are changing fast
Hope that something pure can last
Hope that something pure can last

We used to wait
We used to wait
We used to wait
Sometimes it never came
(We used to wait)
Sometimes it never came
(We used to wait)
Still moving through the pain

We used to wait
We used to wait
We used to wait

We used to wait for it
We used to wait for it
Now we're screaming sing the chorus again
We used to wait for it
We used to wait for it
Now we're screaming sing the chorus again

I used to wait for it
I used to wait for it
Hear my voice screaming sing the chorus again

Wait for it
Wait for it
Wait for it

P.S.: potete anche farvi il vostro video personalizzato a questo link


Anonymous said...

Gli AF sono palesemente fenomenali (me li hai fatti conoscere tu?). Tuttavia l'ultimo CD mi ha entusiasmato meno dei precedenti: è un album costantemente ottimo (non so come dire), una media costante e molto alta. MOlto alta. Ma senza eccellere o sprofondare mai. Preferisco i CD con eccellenze e cadute libere. Quest'anno, secondo me, i Nationals (thank you guy!!!) e i Kings of Leon superano (se mai si può dire così) gli AF. corrado

Weltall said...

@Corrado: sembra incredibile ma non ho ancora avuto modo di ascoltare per intero l' ultimo disco degli Arcade Fire...devo rimediare al più presto! ^^

Pupottina said...

l'ho visto walking dead. strepitoso!!
però è solo il primo episodio. proseguirà bene secondo te?

Weltall said...

@Pupottina: io probabilmente lo guardo stasera e sono fiducioso che prosegua alla grande ^^